Ray Habot

Certified IFS Practitioner and Mindfulness Coach

About Ray

Entrepreneurial in mind, Ray applies her long career as an executive in a demanding start-up environment to the personal inner growth process.
Ray followed her personal growth pursuit and decided to shift her career to help others live mindfully and find peace within.
Certified by the Institute of IFS as a level 1 practitioner, trained as a Tamura Method practitioner, and as a MindSet coach, Ray offers a well-rounded and gentle approach to inner inquiry and personal development for a harmonious life
mind, body, and spirit.

IFS-Informed Coaching

Internal Family System (IFS) is a transformative method, developed by Richard Schwartz, that allows the individual to heal and let go of imprints, limiting beliefs, and shields by tending and befriending one's protective and wounded inner parts.The IFS modality believes that the Self exists in everyone (some would call it the "higher self") and it can be accessed more easily by unburdening the wounded, vulnerable parts.

  • Certified by the institute of IFS as a level 1 practitioner

  • Approaching the process with compassion, curiosity, and courage

  • Navigating gently through the journey at the client's pace

  • Applying nearly 20 years in the tech-startup world to IFS-informed coaching helping executives to lead from Self and untangle challenges with confidence and calmness

The Tamura Method

The Tamura Method uses energetic touch to make a direct, tangible connection to the inner wounded parts within the clients and help release stuck emotions and memories from the body.
Incorporated with IFS, The Tamura Method allows an integrated process coupling cognitive insights with a physical release.
Ray learned under the direct teaching of Wynn Tamura

Mindfulness Coaching

The MindSet is a new and innovative method developed by Dharma teacher Priya Glikman supporting one's journey to increase self-awareness, discover heartsets and mindsets and resolve inner conflicts.The modality incorporates intellectual and spiritual lessons as well as somatic emotive techniques, breath-work, and more

  • Trained MindSet coach under the direct mentorship of Dharma teacher Priya Glikman

  • I had the privilege to experience firsthand this powerful journey


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